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Performance Ear Training Workshop with Donovan Mixon

In this Performance Ear Training workshop you will learn a set of solid study concepts that will teach you how to practice so your ears can learn to do their work. Join the workshop and spend less time learning music and get to making music sooner. It can be the beginning of your journey towards having an innate physical response to notes, intervals, chords and progressions.

Some of the study concepts are:
Movable DO
Harmonic Basslines
Sing Then Play
Inner Hearing
Cycle 4 Intervals concept

Questions to consider…

Have you ever:
…Wondered if you’re practicing the right material or even the correct way?
…Started playing a song only to discover your chords were different from what everyone else was playing?
…Found online apps good at testing but bad at showing you how to practice?
…Lost your place while singing a song and weren’t able to find your way back?
...Tried to learn a phrase on the fly but couldn’t get past the first couple of notes?
…Failed to sing in tune a harmony part?
…Tried to improvise on a tune but couldn’t hear the chord qualities or the form?
…Wanted to inner-hear music from the page, away from your instrument?
…Wanted to quickly adapt to new musical situations?
…Tried to compose melodies and chord progressions by ear?
…Wanted to recognize chord qualities and tensions by ear?
…Thought there is gap between what you WANT to do and what you CAN do?

Ear Training specialist, musical artist and world traveler Donovan Mixon, has taught at music institutions worldwide including Berklee College of Music – Boston, MA., Istanbul Bilgi University in the Republic of Turkey and the University of Bologna, Italy. His critically acclaimed text Performance Ear Training has been in print and sold worldwide since the year 2000.

Class Schedules and Availability