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Concerts & Events

Friday, March 1, 2024  ·  8:00 PM CST

Jess Williamson

with special guest Esther Rose

4544 N Lincoln Ave · Gary and Laura Maurer Concert Hall · 773.728.6000

Endless prairies and ocean waves; long drives and highway expanse; dancing, smoke, sex, and physical desire - the core images of Jess Williamson's new album Time Ain't Accidental revel in the earthly and the carnal. After a protracted breakup with a romantic partner and longtime musical collaborator who left Williamson and their home in Los Angeles at the start of the pandemic, the album's reckoning with loss, isolation, romance, and personal reclamation signals a tectonic shift for Williamson as a person and as an artist: from someone who once accommodated and made herself small to a woman emboldened by her power as an individual.

“…a road-trip record full of open space and vivid detail…radiant country songs…” - Pitchfork
