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Vocal Techniques Song Lab

An extension of the Vocal Techniques classes, this is a chance for singers to delve into the heart of the song. Focus on finding your own voice in a song through interpretation and application of techniques experienced in Vocal Techniques 1: Breath, Tone and Vocal Techniques 2: Register, Range.

Apply exercises in breath control, tone quality, range, and register to a song of your choice. In preparing a song for performance at the end of the session, you will better understand how to incorporate a variety of exercises and practices into a "real life" singing situation.

The class will be facilitated much like a master class. With a maximum of 10 students in the class, you will get an opportunity over the 8 weeks to receive one-on-one coaching from the teaching artist while gaining extra training through observing your classmates. Some of the best nuggets of information and learning can come simply from observing.

This class is ideal if you’re a singer looking to refine your technique while workshopping a song or two.

Class Schedules and Availability